Women’s News: 20 Tips to Make the Most of Your 20s

I just had to post this! Oh and guys, don’t be put off by it being “Women’s News” it is just as relevant for you!



Ashley Crouch

Contributing Editor, Verily Magazine

We’ve been called pre-adults, emerging adults, millennials, the defining decade and the lost decade. We graduated during the worst economy in recent memory and pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps to recover what was lost. We’ve been told 80% of life’s most significant events take place by age 35, but listened to other 20-somethings daydream about “taking some time off,” presumably to spend more time gaming. We have an intuitive sense that the foundation we lay now will continue to carry us throughout life. We’ve seen lists on “20 Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make” go viral and helped make it happen. One thing is clear: we’re searching for answers on how to make sense of this messy life we’re leading. I know, because this is my generation.

A few months ago, I spent an embarrassing number of days subsisting on ramen and…

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